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Verséinung . Réconciliation  
13 September 2016

The sacrament of reconciliation – a brand new start

No one can close their eyes to an obvious fact: the evil is present in the world. Similarly, in the life of each of us, there are faults and failures. As Christians, we believe that the fault is not only about ourselves but it reaches God. However, we are convinced that God is Absolute Love, He comes to meet us and reaches out to us for giving us a brand new start.

Therefore exists in the Catholic Church the sacrament of forgiveness, of reconciliation - it is also called the sacrament of penance or "confession". Through this sacrament, the priest forgives in the name of God and through the mission he received from Jesus as His priest, the mistakes and failures, the sins. This sacrament of forgiveness can be administered in different conditions: in a church (some prefer to receive it in the confessional), at a patient’s bedside or in a personal interview with a priest in any place.

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