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Firmung . Confirmation  
13 September 2016

Confirmation - to gather strenth for the road ahead

Confirmation is the completion of baptism. The word "confirmation" comes from the Latin "firmare" that is to say, to make stronger. Through confirmation, the young (or adult) may give her/his own yes to God and to the Church. Through confirmation, God gives to the human His Holy Spirit. This will provide her/him strength throughout her/his life and allow her/him to join the Church and make it more lively.

To symbolize this gift of the Holy Spirit, the officiant (generally, it is the bishop or a priest delegated by him for this purpose) extends his hands on the confirming person and mark her/his forehead with Holy chrism. This rite, which comes from the ancient East, was also accomplished at the coronation of kings and through it they received strength.

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